We currently have 62 members.
The Oconomowoc Quilters Guild was created in September 2006. There were 25 members at the first meeting, and 40 members by the end of the first year. Several of the founding members were also active in Patch Lives Quilt Guild from Wales, WI. Their assistance and experience has been invaluable in directing and establishing our guild. At the end of 2009 there were 78 members. We had 71 members at the end of 2011.
A sampling of the programs, projects, and activities that the guild members have enjoyed includes retreats, raffles, and races! You are welcome to arrive at 1 PM on the Thursday of our meeting to participate in Open Sew activities or sewing on Comfort Quilts. Typically our meetings start at 6:30 PM with a monthly meeting followed by our speaker or activity from 7-8 PM. Finally, we take a short break for snacks before holding our monthly Show & Tell.
Please note our weather policy (being in Wisconsin, ya gotta have those!): IF THE OCONOMOWOC SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED, OUR MEETING IS CANCELED.
See the Calendar webpage for upcoming activities with our guild, and the Upcoming Quilt Shows webpage for quilting-related activities in southeastern Wisconsin (and elsewhere!).

How to become a member?
Membership is open to anyone interested in the art of quilting. You don't have to be a quilter - you can come and learn!
We meet at the Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Oconomowoc, located on the NE corner of County Trunk Z (Lake Dr) and County Trunk P (Brown Street). Our meetings begin at 6:30 PM.
You are invited to come to a meeting as our guest to find out about our guild. If you are visiting, please sign in on the visitor's sheet, and one of our members will provide info about our group and introduce you to members. You can view some of our past projects on our Gallery webpage. Please note that if the meeting you attend has a speaker presentation, we request a $5.00 fee for non-members to help cover the cost of the speaker.
Dues for the Oconomowoc Quilters' Guild are $30.00 per year (December through January); and are pro-rated to $20.00 for current year if paid after June 1. Junior membership dues for children ages 14 to 18 are $10.00 per year.
Please complete the membership form and submit to the treasurer with your dues annually.
Each member is asked to make their own nametag, which should include 5 O's (for OcOnOmOwOc),
and is asked to volunteer to bring refreshments to a meeting once each year.