
Have you been looking for a quilt guild to join? Check us out!

Everyone is welcome to join us for our next meeting held on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
You won't want to miss this unique program!

We have a special Zoom meeting scheduled with the internationally renowned quilter, designer & teacher, Telene Jeffrey. "Telene is an avid quilter, designer and free motion quilt teacher from Gauteng, South Africa. She is a Handi Quilter International Ambassador and a South African Quilters Guild Accredited Quilt Teacher. She has won numerous prizes for her quilts and attained Master Quilter Status from the SAQG."


A Guild Board meeting will be held from 6:00-6:30 PM (January 16, March 20, May 15, July 17, and November 20), followed by a monthly business meeting from 6:30-7:00 PM. We're busy planning our programs and activities for 2025 - so please check back soon for more details! And, as always, we'll wrap up the evening with some Show & Tell.


Please click HERE to print a 2025 Activity Calendar (.pdf)

Date of Guild Meeting Meeting / Program / Activities Other Activities Refreshments
January 16, 2025Cory Krueger - Mindful Stitching: Exploring Handwork, Color, and ShapeOpen Sew at 1 PMMary P., Kim N., Julie T., Lorie R., Karen B, Amy R.
February 15Telene Jeffery InspiratioOpen Sew at 1 PMCharlene AS., Heather H., Kay D., Donna F., Margaret M., Jody G
March 21Schoolhouse: Getting InspiredOpen Sew at 1 PMWindriss B., Rebecca E., Sam K., Jean S., Maggie Y., Jan K.
April 18Spring PicnicOpen Sew at 1 PMEverybody brings a dish to pass
May 16Marie Lenda Yoga For quilters Marie Lenda Yoga For quiltersOpen Sew at 1 PMLisa F., Pat C., Pat R., Mary H., Terry G., Debby A.
June 20TBAOpen Sew at 1 PMCheryl R., Chris C., Karen K., Mary M., Jenny F.
July 18TBAOpen Sew at 1 PMDenise D., Sharon J., Heather H., Need 3 more
August 15TBAOpen Sew at 1 PMPatty O., Nancy B., Cindy S., Carol P., Need 2 more
September 11 (Date rescheduled)Make It/Bake It/Grow It/Sew It Auction Fundraiser (The IT SALE)Open Sew at 1 PM Please arive around 2 PM to help se up for the auctionGail L., Kim H., Cory K., Sharon P., Need 2 More
October 17Retreat RecapOpen Sew at 1 PMDawn T., Liz., Lori R., ., Brenda B. Need 3 more
November 21TBA Please bring a few dollars to help our Christmas family.Open Sew at 1 PMJane K., Carol G., Linda S., Jenny F., Need 2 more
December 12Cookies & Gift Wrapping for our Christmas FamilyOpen Sew at 1 PMEVERYBODY brings snacks and treats to share and for our family. Please bring wrapping paper, tape, ribbons, and gift labels.
retreat 2

2025 Retreat Info

Our 2025 Quilt Retreat is being held Thursday, September 18th - Sunday, September 21st at the Wingville Country Retreat near Montfort, Wisconsin.
The retreat group has been busy posting pictures on our Facebook page!
Take a look for yourself!

2023 retreat pix...

Group photo (Thanks, Mary!)

How many quilters does it take to design a quilt??

quilt top won by Lisa








Quilt top won by Carol

Oooh-la-la! Not quilted...